Our Story
An innocent question from a tourist became an inspiration -
During a local Hong Kong tour that our founder led in 2017, a tourist asked about the difference between “唔該 (ng4 goi1)” and “多謝 (do1 ze6)” (Both meant "thank you", but are used depending on context).
Who would have guessed that one curious question would kindle serious contemplation in the uniqueness of Cantonese, and make them reflect on how language serves as a bridge to culture, as well as a medium that encapsulates a place's history, values, and stories.
Even now, despite living abroad, our founder is passionate about sharing the charm of Cantonese, helping others appreciate the beauty of the language and preserving Hong Kong’s cultural heritage.
Hello!我係 Joyce!CLS Cantonese 嘅故事要由 2017 年講起。當時,我喺香港帶本地導賞團,有遊客問我:「『多謝』同『唔該』有咩分別?」

CLS Cantonese aims to promote, preserve and increase individual and collective knowledge and understanding of the culture of the Hong Kong diaspora, in particular but not exclusively through the promotion of Cantonese language to native and non-native speakers.
We strive to enhance integration of the Hong Kong diaspora in British society through organising cross-cultural exchange and multifaceted activities that celebrate cultural diversity and inclusion.
We are dedicated to preserving Cantonese as a vibrant and officially recognised Chinese language, fostering its continued use among members, descendants, and friends of the global Cantonese-speaking diaspora. Through education and advocacy, we strive to keep the richness of Cantonese culture and language alive for generations to come.
Meet the Team

Joyce Wong
Founder & Trustee

Nicole Chan

Chloe Poon

Adrian Yip